

2024-07-04 30


Chat online and date or make friends

Anno is an innovative, free anonymous dating app that offers users a unique platform to communicate, share ideas and build connections with strangers around the world. Whether you're eager to make new friends, looking for a private chat, or just want to share something close to your heart, Anno has you covered.

Features include:

1. Drift Bottle Drop: In Drift Social, you can write your thoughts, feelings or messages on a drift bottle and then drop them into the virtual sea. These bottles will be randomly distributed around the world, waiting for other users to pick them up and unlock the messages inside them.

2. Anonymous interaction: All interactions are anonymous, which means you can share your feelings without worrying about revealing your personal identity. This anonymity provides users with greater freedom and security.

3. Private Chat: If you have established a connection with a bottle picker and both parties want to communicate in depth, you can start a private chat. It's an opportunity to make meaningful connections with strangers without having to worry about revealing your identity.

4. Exchange of opinions: Drifting Social is not just a social platform but also a place to share opinions, points of view and stories. You can share your opinions with global users and get different perspectives and insights from them.

5. User security: Anno attaches great importance to user security and privacy. We have strict measures in place to ensure the confidentiality of user information and prohibit any form of harassment, abuse or inappropriate behavior.

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